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From Catapillar To Butterfly

The Butterly Club

Every bad situation that was meant to kill or destroy me, God used for his glory! I spoke of almost being raped twice in my life one at 11 and 12 years old and being held up at gunpoint and almost being raped as an adult. Besides that a few years ago, I was robbed at knife point. When will it end? These incidents were meant to kill me, but purpose was soon realized!

I did not allow any negativity to handicap me, to the point of no return. At first, when I was young it did hamper the way that I viewed myself. I lived in isolation, blamed myself and used food to comfort me. After entering a seek and desiring a intimate relationship with the Lord, it was the Holy Spirit that gradually delivered me from the prison of isolation. He performed surgery on my life and began a deliverance that only HE could bring. He liberated me and now I can help to liberate others faced with the same difficulty.

HE touched me, so that I could touch others. What began as a thought soon became reality, ‘the butterfly process.’ God’s process is usually a long process. He doesn’t believe in quick fixes, He is interested in fruit that will remain. During the process HE said to me “You may feel like a caterpillar, but you are a butterfly.” Thus my butterfly journey. Do you know that there is no trace of the caterpillar after it leaves the cocoon? Beautiful! Christ, wants to conform or transform us to his image. He wants to see his reflection in us, that’s why HE polishes us so that the world can see Christ in us the hope of glory! We do not have the power to change ourselves, if we did we would not need the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul encourages us in Romans not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We all must go through the ‘metamorphosis’ process which takes time. Romans 12:2. I had to renew my mind in the scripture, I was not to blame for these incidences and what the enemy meant for evil God would turned for my good and for his purpose.



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