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About The Butterfly Club

The Butterfly Club began as a seminar in 2004 called Developing Inward Beauty. The Club focuses on the creative, entrepreneurial and leadership skills of young women between the ages of 7-17 years old. The club was officially launched on October 2011 at the Grants Town Community Centre, Quakoo Street, Nassau, Bahamas.


We cultivate the natural leadership and innovative skills of each girl by:

Helping each girl discover and establish who they are

Providing Mentoring and Coaching

Providing opportunities for exposure to culture, arts, and networking

 Providing a path/ guidance direction for higher learning and owning their own businesses


We concentrate on the purpose, passion, potential and purity of girls/young women. However, LOVE is the key ingredient in the mentor, mentee relationship.

The club strives to touch the lives of as many girls as possible. Our priority and indeed the reason for our existence as an organization, is to groom them into women that can positively impact our society and the future of The Bahamas.

The club is registered with the Ministry of Youth in The Bahamas.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To cultivate the creative, entrepreneurial and natural leadership skills of young women through coaching that provides the path for self-discovery, higher learning, and opportunities for exposure. Recognizing that each individual has hidden gifts and talents that are waiting to be discovered.


Our Vision

Our vision is for girls and young women in the Bahamas is to reach their fullest potential through the process of change; to impact their families, community, country and the world.

The current club age group ranges from 7 - 17 years. To accommodate learning at each level we have grouped the young ladies by age and have given each age category a particular butterfly by which to identify themselves.

Ages 7 - 9 years: Skipper Butterfly

Ages 10 - 13 years: Peacock Butterfly

Ages 14 - 17 years: Monarch Butterfly/Teen Butterfly


Age 18 - Volunteer When girls become 18 years old, we offer them the option of becoming volunteers for the Club. They can be trained to become coaches and give back to the club and their communities.



Our Value Statement

The foundation of the Butterfly Club is built on fundamental values and Godly principles which help us to carry out the Club’s mandate and vision. Respect, integrity, commitment, passion, and excellence are the driving force behind the Club’s mission to reach and transform the hearts and minds of young ladies.

Join The Butterfly Club Today!

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